domingo, outubro 07, 2001

Ok, o fofis do Marcelo fez ontem o teste para ver com qual dos Friends ele mais se parecia. E a maria-vai-com-as-outras aqui também fez. Veja agora o resultado:

Which "Friend" Are You?

Andréa, you've got a little bit of Phoebe going on!

Um, ok! You're, like Phoebe. Ok, so you may not have Phoebe's, well, special intuition or, um, musical talent. But, like everyone's favorite beautiful-blond-psychic-masseuse, you never lie and your friends are the most important thing in your life.

With an utterly free spirit like yours, some people see you as flaky. But creative, perceptive-as-heck, and eerily wise is more like it. You see the good in everyone, which could make your dating life a bit, well, uneven. But you always land on your feet with your humor, kindness, (and who-knows-what-from-beyond) as your guide.

É... acho que faz sentido... Ahh, foda-se, é isso mesmo!

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